Integracija prethodnog života, MEKSIKO SITI, 21. – 22. oktobra

Od 21. do 22. oktobra (petak i subota) Aleksandar Imširagic ce u Meksiko Sitiju održati dvodnevni seminar o integraciji prethodnog života uz pomoc otkrivanja svog Vodica Senke.

Integration of previous life by discovering Shadow Guide, October 21 – 22, Mexico City

By Aleksandar Imsiragic

Previous incarnation is life that is happening now as well. Almost everything we see is just the past. Our goal is to understand the previous life and the messages that we receive in this life, so that we can integrate previous and present incarnations.

In order to do that we need to find the Shadow Guide – the energy that represents the previous incarnation in this life. This energy is always represented in some for of animal, and during this workshop we’ll find the Shadow Guide for each participants, based on karmic astrology approach, simple tests and meditations.

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