AstroHealing, OSLO, Norveška, 10. jun

U okviru POLARIS Astrološke Konferencije u Oslu, Lea Imširagic ce održati predavanje o AstroHealing-u u subotu, 10. juna.

The goal of AstroHealing as a separate branch of astrology is to develop the capabilities to balance and heal negative planetary influences that can be diagnosed through classical astrological practice. The diagnosis alone, however, can not heal the problem, regardless of whether it is linked to one particular period of life, or the life as a whole.

AstroHealing is a unique astrological approach to healing of negative astrological influences by balancing planetary energies (which is the separate field of study within Energy Astrology), and by systematically approaching the healing process of concrete negative planetary positions and aspect.

For more info and application, please visit

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HRONIKE NEBA od 23.9.09 do 30.09.24

I ove nedelje nas očekuju značajne planetarne promene. Sunce je već ušlo u znak Vage 22.09, donoseći energiju balansa i harmonije, ali odmah na početku ove nedelje, 23.09, Venera nas vodi u sasvim drugačiju priču.

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