Energetska Astrologija, MEKSIKO SITI, 12. jun

Lea Imširagic ce održati svoj jednodnevni seminar i trening iz Energetske Astrologije polaznicima ovog programa u Meksiko Sitiju 12. juna.

Energy Astrology, June 12, 2016 (Sunday)

with Lea Imsiragic

Each man is a universe within himself. The planets, therefore, represent energy centers within the etheric body. From these energy centers, the whole destiny of the natal chart manifests.

Energy Astrology describes the nature of the ten energy centers and their natal chart “signatures.” It also explains practical exercises for bringing them into balance, i.e., for correcting negative planetary scripts.

With awareness of this we can change our repeating behavior written in our Moon aspects and learn how to use them in more creative and purposeful way, even more – we can discover they are base for all outer success.

The Energy Astrology program was created and developed by Dr. Lea Imsiragic, M. Sci in magneto biology at the medical faculty (a new discipline that discovers how electromagnetic fields [chakras] work in our body). She combines knowledge from different fields (magneto biology, energy psychology, flower essences and acupuncture) with astrology, enabling her to create a unique system of diagnosis and healing with Energy astrology.

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