Kako isceliti izazovne aspekte Marsa, MEKSIKO SITI, 23. oktobar

U nedelju 23. oktobra, Lea Imširagic ce u Meksiko Sitiju održati jednodnevni trening na temu isceljivanja negativnih aspekata Marsa.

Learn how to heal challenging Mars aspects, Oct 23, Mexico City

By Lea Imsiragic

Mars is essential for our surviving, immunity, for action and achieving anything. So, come and learn how challenging Mars aspect will act on mental, emotional and everyday level and how we can heal them buy discover their need, with special exercises.

This is practical workshop with a chart examples of healed Mars energy and also with energy exercises for Mars balance and activation.

This is system of exercise is proven in many practitioners to awaken your body, rise your immune system and give you simple technique to work with your Mars energy, to remove fears, rise your energy and get into action.

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HRONIKE NEBA od 23.9.09 do 30.09.24

I ove nedelje nas očekuju značajne planetarne promene. Sunce je već ušlo u znak Vage 22.09, donoseći energiju balansa i harmonije, ali odmah na početku ove nedelje, 23.09, Venera nas vodi u sasvim drugačiju priču.

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