Reinkarnacijska Astrologija, OSLO, Norveška, 10. jun

U okviru POLARIS Medunarodne Astrološke Konferencije, Aleskandar ce održati predavanje iz Reinkarnacijske Astrologije u Oslu u subotu, 10. juna.

Reincarnation Astrology

with Aleksandar Imsiragic

Everyone lives through three incarnations simultaneously at any moment. They are represented as three different lives that are most crucial for our development. Finding a way to unite them means liberation and represents the final goal of Hermetic Astrology. In this lecture we will define those three different incarnations we live all the time and also we'll describe a way to unite those different lives in order to create one real Cosmic Life, that represents our True Being.

Reincarnational Astrology provides us specific tools to determine the time when specific events have occurred in our previous incarnations. Time is a circular, or more precisely – spiral. So, past or future events defined in the Time spiral, no matter how far from now, are always connected with us through strings between incarnations, and therefore significantly influence the life that we live now. More than that – events that are happening in previous incarnations represent cornerstones in one’s (current) destiny. Defining those events – in time and even space – allows as to be in touch with the energy vortex of one’s karma, and transform potential negativity that we may carry in our memory.

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Tehnike Tranzita u Astrologiji

Svi događaji iz života jedne osobe su sadržani u njenom natalnom horoskopu. Međutim, planete se ne zaustavljaju nečijim rođenjem, već nastavljaju svoje kretanje. To realno kreatanje planete i njenu poziciju u odnosu na natalni horoskop nazivamo tranzitom.

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Psihološki profil u natalnoj karti

Opšte je poznato da je karakter čovekova sudbina. Proučavajući psihologiju ličnosti, koja obuhvata um, karakter i emotivni kapacitet, možemo mnogo bolje i dublje razumeti čoveka i njegove lične kvalitete, vrline i mane.

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