Stubovi Sudbine, SAN MIGUEL DE ALJENDE, Meksiko 17. i 18. jun

Dvodnevni seminar o Fiksnim Zvezdama i promociju svoje knjige "Pillars of Destiny", Aleksandar ce održati u petak i subotu 17. i 18. juna u San Miguel de Aljende-u u Meksiku!

Fixed Stars – Pillars of Destiny, June 17 – 18, 2016 (Friday evening and Saturday)

with Aleksandar Imsiragic

Fixed Stars represent specific pillars of the destiny, since they act from the unconscious levels of existence. Fixed stars reflect in very picturesque manner the main myths of human destiny.

In this workshop we apply the story from the Constellation of the Fixed Star, so we understand the messages that are received. Once we understand the system of Fixed Star interpretation, we can use fixed stars as the source of our potentials.

The first part of this workshop will be lectured on Friday, June 17, 2016, from 7 – 9 PM.

The second part will be lectured tomorrow, on Saturday, June 18 in two sessions: from 10AM – 01:30PM and from 3 – 5PM

Friday and Saturday's lecture topics:

  • General approach to understand and interpret the fixed stars influence
  • The Mythological Code of Fixed Stars
  • Orbs for Stars and Constellations
  • Transmitters of the Fixed Stars Influence
  • Giants of the Sky
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Tehnike Tranzita u Astrologiji

Svi događaji iz života jedne osobe su sadržani u njenom natalnom horoskopu. Međutim, planete se ne zaustavljaju nečijim rođenjem, već nastavljaju svoje kretanje. To realno kreatanje planete i njenu poziciju u odnosu na natalni horoskop nazivamo tranzitom.

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Psihološki profil u natalnoj karti

Opšte je poznato da je karakter čovekova sudbina. Proučavajući psihologiju ličnosti, koja obuhvata um, karakter i emotivni kapacitet, možemo mnogo bolje i dublje razumeti čoveka i njegove lične kvalitete, vrline i mane.

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