Veze izmedu Inkarnacija, KANKUN, Meksiko, 28. i 29. oktobar

Aleksandar Imširagic ce održati dvodnevni seminar na temu "Veze izmedu inkarnacija" u Kankunu, Meksiko 28. i 29. oktobra.

Strings between incarnationsintroduction, October 28 – 29, 2016 (Friday evening and Saturday)

with Aleksandar Imsiragic

Everyone lives through three incarnations simultaneously at any moment. They are represented as three different lives that are most crucial for our development. Finding a way to unite them means liberation and represents the final goal of Hermetic Astrology. In this lecture we will define those three different incarnations we live all the time and also we'll describe a way to unite those different lives in order to create one real Cosmic Life, that represents our True Being.

The first part of this workshop will be lectured on Friday, Oct 28, 2016, from 7 – 9 PM.

The second part will be lectured tomorrow, on Saturday, Oct 29 in two sessions: from 10AM – 01:30PM and from 3 – 6PM

Friday lecture topics:

  • Introduction to Karmic Astrology, General Model of Karma
  • The flow of time
  • Life within life, Universe within Universe, Time within Time
  • Eight Factors which defines Previous Incarnation
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