“Your emotional health, your success in the world, as well as your level of joy can dramatically increase by changing the energy that regulates them. This is the promise of the fascinating new field of Energy Psychology.” - David Feinstein, PhD

Energy Psychology is a relatively new branch of psychology that has developed rather quickly over the past 30 years. Its efficiency and innovative qualities originate from synthesizing very ancient knowledge about the energy structure of the human body, popularly known as the “human energy matrix.” This structure is comprised of energy centers/chakras, auras/bio-fields and energy flows/meridians. Energy Psychology is in line with the latest discoveries of neuroscience, which has been perfecting its methods for the past 35 years of modern clinical experience in working with millions of people around the world.

What probably drew psychologists, doctors and people working in the field of human potential the most is its ability to make a deep and lasting change in our health and quality of life in a very short period of time, thanks to the introduction of a new element (energy correction).

Various branches of psychology agree that negative and limiting emotions often originate from earliest childhood, and that the present-time events we react to serve as triggers of a deeper memory that expresses itself as our defense mechanism, with self-defeating, dysfunctional and overboard reactions.

The new element in Energy Psychology techniques is the recognition of the fact that an extra step exists between memories and emotions – a disturbed energy flow as a consequence of some traumatic event and the emotions it caused. In other words, a certain emotion blocks some of the meridian flows, and therefore, if we activate a memory, while at the same time we tap on a given meridian, we can make an instant change, because this is how we correct an energy imbalance. Sometimes, in just few minutes, you can have the same memory, but a completely different feeling and reaction connected to it.

It seems completely unbelievable that within 30 to 60 minutes (often even less), you can see the same situation in a different way. Once the energy imbalance and difficult emotions are removed from the given meridian flow, you start seeing the same situation in a much more sensible and positive, as well as less threatening light. We can say that these techniques instantly stop the established, repeated pattern and literally change neuro-pathways (over 50 scientific studies show that Energy Psychology techniques change neuro-chemistry very fast, in the brain as well as elsewhere in the body, causing us to stop reacting in a stressful way).


Memory of a traumatic childhood event plus an emotion linked to it


An energy imbalance


A self-defeating emotional response to certain situations


Energy Psychology, besides identifying problems and their origins, works at removing the energy block that this trauma created. Only after the energy imbalance is removed, the dysfunctional emotional response disappears. Sometimes just understanding a problem and its source helps people and makes things easier. However, in order for the pattern to be removed, the problem needs to be corrected within our energy system. This enables us to develop our emotional intelligence, which has proven to be the most important element for success in life.

In short – the core of Energy Psychology is not linked to when and how a problem started and how long it has existed, but where and to what extent it caused damage to our energy system. If we notice dysfunction and disturbance within the energy system, we can make a quick change. Regardless of the continuation and origin of a problem, the change in a client's condition can be in waves, it can be immediate or, if it is a very deeply-rooted or complex problem, it might take several sessions.


Body as the Most Intelligent Part of Mind

“A man is a Being, a micro-cosmos containing the whole Universe, as a hologram-being of all that exists.” - Aleksandar Imsiragic

The goal of Energy Psychology is to connect mind to body, starting from the presupposition that the most intelligent part of our mind is, actually – our body. The physical body represents a huge field of intelligence, enabling a great many simultaneous functions, billions of the most diverse processes that are synchronized in order to provide an undisturbed working of the system. It is the inner intelligence of our body that we want to come in contact with in order to correct the imbalance that we carry within us. The majority of modern man’s problems originate from spending too much time in his head, and insufficient connection with his own body. It is via certain meridian points, chakras and bio-fields that we start establishing and activating real communication with the intelligence of the body.


Techniques and Development of Energy Psychology

There are several exceptional pioneers in the development of Energy Psychology, but I will mention just a few of the most important. Dr. George Goodheart, chiropractor and founder of Applied Kinesiology, was among the first people to frame and spread knowledge about the relationship between the meridians and the body’s main muscles. He discovered that doing stretching exercises for certain muscles can bring balance back into the meridian flow. This knowledge was further developed and applied by the chiropractor Dr. John Thie in his famous book “Touch for Health.”

Applied Kinesiology led further to the exceptional discovery of psychotherapist Roger Callahan. He connected the knowledge of Applied Kinesiology with the knowledge of psychotherapy and thus managed to help his patient Mary to resolve her aqua-phobia. All his previous attempts to accomplish this with traditional psychotherapy methods failed. Finally, it occurred to him to suggest that she stimulate a stomach meridian point (immediately below the eye) by tapping it with her fingers, since she claimed that thinking about water made her nauseous. They were both stunned that this uncomfortable feeling disappeared after just a few minutes of tapping. Furthermore, her phobia – which had lasted a lifetime and was so strong that she was not able to give her own children a bath – totally disappeared. This experience made Callahan realize that certain meridians are connected with certain beliefs and emotions, and that acupuncture points that activate certain meridians provide a tool for the best results in resolving certain problems. He made formulas of meridian points accordingly, calling them algorithms.

These are the most efficient meridian-formulas for resolving various challenges, from relationship problems to phobias and traumas. He named this technique TFT (Thought Field Therapy). Callahan's student Gary Craig further developed TFT into a simpler, but still very efficient and probably the best-known technique of Energy Psychology – EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Unlike TFT, which has a huge number of algorithms that need to be remembered in order to be used, EFT is much simpler and thus more popular. Its advantage is in the fact that it is easy to apply, since it is based on one set of points for all possible disorders. In time, Energy Psychology techniques developed faster and faster. Some of the other techniques are TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), which has a high success rate in treating all kinds of allergies and intolerances, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which has proven excellent for work with clients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, like war veterans, rape victims, abused children. BSFF (Be Set Free Fast) is the technique created by Larry Nims and is very popular in the United States with people who work in coaching and want to focus on certain life achievements. It aims to free dysfunctional fields in people's life, in order to activate the energy they need to accomplish a certain goal. After many years of working with algorithms, Larry realized that the whole technique can be applied without any physical touch, provided we have some concrete intention. The whole approach is based on contact with our subconscious, which should be our servant, if we manage to be the master.

The PEAT (Primary Energy Activation and Transcendence) technique of Živorad Slavinski, a Serbian psychologist and lifelong creator of various energy techniques, should also be mentioned. This is a very special technique, because it not only employs classical meridian techniques, but also contacts deeper primordial codes that we all carry inside. This technique's ultimate goal is to free us from polarities (I want – I do not want; truth – lie; I can – I cannot; etc.). I have been applying it since 2004 in my coaching work, and it has taught me a lot about the ways in which our deepest parts function, and how to establish communication and be at peace with them.


Our Techniques and Contribution to the Field of Energy Psychology

AMT (Astro-Meridian Technique) and EA (Energy Astrology)

In May 2016, at the largest international conference for Energy Psychology in San Francisco (ACEP Conference 2016), we had an opportunity to present two of our techniques (AMT and EA), which were greeted with great interest and support by our colleagues. It is my belief that this is due to the fact that these are very unique techniques which enable a precise diagnosis of the basic energy potential of the energy centers (chakras) and meridians through an astrological map. This enables therapists to directly focus on the area of life that needs to be fixed.

If we look at our natal chart as an energy map, and the relationship between meridians and chakras as a relationship between the houses of the chart and the planets, we see that a man is a micro-cosmos and that hermetic knowledge is very applicable to healing on all four levels (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual).

In addition to a fast and precise diagnosis, both methods offer techniques for communicating with the body, based on personal energy potential. For example, if we have a client who makes a very good start in applying all the methods, but gives up halfway – this tendency can already be seen in the energy matrix of a chart in which the twelfth house is emphasized, since it corresponds to the twelfth meridian linked to PRs (psychological reversals). In the same way, people with a lot of planets in the second house will experience the quickest change if we start our work from the second meridian, because it is very probable that this person has a problem with homo-lateral energy. This means that their energy flows do not cross and fail to form a figure eight, which is the normal way in which energy circulates in all parts of our body, from DNA chains to brain hemispheres. An energy map of our client will help us make great changes, at the same time following them on the map and thus being better able to decide whether we should start our work with meridians, chakras or the aura. At the same time, anybody can learn these techniques.

EA (Energy Astrology)

Lea developed this method over more than 10 years of working with electro-magnetic fields in the human body, by combining this knowledge with astro-medicine. It is based on the premise that everything in the Universe is contained within each person. Planets, therefore, represent energy centers (chakras) within the etheric body of a person, from which all outside circumstances that we see in the natal chart are created. In addition to diagnosis, Energy Astrology also offers energy exercises which balance certain chakras (planets) and their relationship (planetary aspects). More details about this can be found in the book Energy Astrology which is available here:

AMT (Astro-Meridian Technique)

This technique was jointly developed by Lea and Aleksandar Imsiragic during their education for levels 1 and 2 of certification in Energy Psychology in the United States.

Very soon it became clear to us that there was a direct link between each meridian and a certain astrological house, and we were stunned to see how precisely and efficiently this worked in practice. This technique links each of the 12 main meridians with 12 areas of life, which in astrology are linked to the 12 astrological houses.

Therefore, in order to solve any problem that people might have, it is of key importance to know the 12 meridian points which balance the given areas of life. When we contact any given point, we are contacting a certain meridian, and through this meridian we influence the entire house (area of life). This technique is also special because it can directly focus on a certain area of life, because these correspondences enable us to work on changing circumstances and everything around us, as we are the ones who create them.

Although there is a lot of knowledge about the connection between meridians and emotions, we were influenced the most by the work of John Diamond, the renowned physician and psychiatrist who developed AES (Acupuncture Emotional System), connecting each of the 12 meridians with certain emotions. We further developed this system through insights from human body cosmology, physiology and astro-medicine, and of course – through experience in practice.

Body Meridians – The Language of Wizards

It is important to understand what is gained from working on meridians. It is my belief that by turning our attention to the body and communicating with a certain point that has the symbolism of a meridian and astrological house, we change our reality. This is a kind of language of wizards that helps us directly communicate through our body’s intelligence. Therefore, instead of talking with a person in a way that fails to give results, we can find triggers in our body which activate certain events in our life. This is why this language is the language of wizards, and I see everybody using it as a sorcerer, or at least a “sorcerer's apprentice” – always ready to change a situation they are in, as well as the ways in which they solve their problems.

If this is too strange for you, we can say it in another way. If we regularly communicate with our body, we can expect that – through the habit of repetition – it will accept that habit, so it will be easier for us to recognize the things we enjoy and those we do not, and we will find it easier to understand what our body is saying to us. In addition, when we use affirmations, we will be able to feel them in a deeper and more real way. This is important because, if our body accepts an affirmation and we feel it on the level of the body, instead of just on the mental level, the change and desired manifestation will happen rather fast.

Let us now start applying this great technique so that we can feel it, master it and use it on a regular basis, because true knowledge is only the knowledge we live every day.